Game Point and Wizard’s WARdrobe at Terminal City Tabletop Convention

Game Point was at Terminal City Tabletop Convention (TCTC) this last weekend, March 4 & 5th, in Burnaby, BC, Canada. The first TCTC was in 2014, and Game Point was there launching Symetra, and we’ve been there ever since.
Just before the convention, Shannon Lentz (the founder and organizer of TCTC) and I were interviewed on CBC radio about playing and making games. Check out the awesome article here: AND the full audio interview here:

We had a table in prototype alley, where we showcased Wizard’s WARdrobe. Across the aisle we had another table that split 6 players between a second game of Wizard’s WARdrobe, and a game of Symetra. We were honoured to have our tables full almost the entire weekend, with many players coming back to play Wizard’s WARdrobe multiple times, including a few that played nearly 10 times! It’s a good thing there were 3 of us, with my brother Grant, and producer and playtester WIll, running games too. It allowed each of us to actually have some breaks.

There were quite a few designers in Proto Alley this year, and we all had a blast playing each other’s games and giving feedback. It’s a great bunch of people, all sharing their stories and strategies. There is a real camaraderie among the group, going through similar trials and tribulations.

Of the creators in Proto Alley, many of us were launching Kickstarters around the convention. Here’s a list:
Wizard’s WARdrobe:
Dragon Dodge:
Get Off MY Land:
Rolling Empires:
Zebulon Galactic Control:
These guys brought their friends back for a second duel.
Since I don’t live in Vancouver anymore, I stay at my parents house when I’m there. Unfortunately they live at quite a high elevation, and with the threat of March snow in Vancouver?! I brought my chains. Luckily, as I needed them to get out of my parent’s neighbourhood Sunday morning. Once I got to the main road I was able to remove the chains and get to the convention, just a little late. Surprisingly, the turnout was still solid, with most gamers braving the snow storm to partake in their favourite pastime.

I put a smattering of the expansion cards into the WARdrobes so as to test them, and get reactions and feedback. Some of the favourites were the Cauldron, Excalibur, Steel Shield, and the Magician’s Gloves. One keen player even noticed that I would need to clarify if an armored item, like the Steel Shield, would reset its armor if moved around, to or from a storage item, or junked by a non-attack effect.
My favourite wizard of the weekend was this one. I grabbed the cauldron early on, and started pouring potions in. I used my X-ray goggles to find 2 familiars, the Butterfly and Phoenix, and with the Ethereal potion in my brew, the Phoenix’s attack could not be blocked by items. The healing and flight potions in my cauldron kept me alive while I rained rocks down on my opponents. Eventually I got to loot a full Bag of Holding from a downed opponent’s body. The Bag of Holding had already been destroyed in an attack, but then mended by that player, who wanted the Air Orb inside. However, I was able to take him out, grab the Bag of Holding, and use its contents to finish off the other 2 players.

Although Wizard’s WARdrobe was the real buzz, with the Kickstarter running and all, Symetra got played a ton too. Some players loved it so much, they kept playing Game Point games until they had enough points to get a free copy! Including one guy on his birthday, which was awesome!

We had a blast at Terminal City Tabletop Convention this year, and hope to see you all again next year, or sooner at another convention. Until then, Gear Up & Throw Down, and Shape your Fate!